Blog Archive - Written and Photo Posts

Friday, July 3, 2015

Housing the Homeless Initiative

We thank you for your support we have a lot of things planned for the present and the future we have been established since 2010. We know a lot of people in the Homeless community, we are working right now with ROM reaching out ministries in doing ministry on a Bi-Weekly basis in a Homeless Shelter providing spiritual needs. we know that having a relationship with God is a cornerstone in having a productive life. We are doing Bible studies, much praying and worship services. Housing the Homeless with ROM is also helping the homeless population to achieve their goals in life. Many of the residents want to have their own Non Profit to help their brothers and sisters in the same situation.

I Joseph A. Ray President and owner of Housing the Homeless is assisting the residents in creating and starting their NPO's among bringing other resources into the shelter it is exciting I will soon be bringing pictures and videos to the site I will be blogging as things happen so join with me with Housing the Homeless and ROM as we work towards a better future for the Homeless population in Maryland and soon the whole USA.

Contact information

You can call me direct during business hours 443-303-7573

To Mail Donations

address it to Housing the Homeless Initiative LTD
2516 W Lanvale St
Baltimore MD 21216

Thank You and God Bless!!!

Joseph A.Ray Founder and President of Housing the Homeless Initiative

We are looking for great things to come!!!!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What have we done now?????

Housing The Homeless Initiative LTD

We asked that you please excuse the time it has took for our last post till now. We are at a frenetic pace working on a number of different projects. One specific project we are working on is getting funding so we have been very busy writing Proposals and LOI's. We have been also working on the framework for our Honorable Living Program for homeless Military Veterans.

We are excited to bring on a Brilliant and Bright Marketing Consultant more on that later, We are working on strengthing our NJ Office. We are excited to begin planning for Fundraising Gala that will support Housing The Homeless and our program for military veterans.

We have a large presence on LinkedIn and in Baltimore Maryland, we are working on a larger campaign to bring so many people together to help assist us in this most needful work.



Sunday, April 8, 2012

What's Next!!!!!!!

We are making a major difference we are growing we have hit the air waves on the radio station. 1010 am is just the beginning talking about what we are doing in Baltimore MD. I am pleased to announce we are so close to getting a new state of the art facility in Baltimore MD, we are praying and working very hard on it. We are also pleased to announce we have a office in New Jersey, we are doing some serious work to accomplish the goals of HTHI.

Are website will soon be revamped with some new changes some people are not with the organization and we have some new individuals that have came abroad. Our Board has been revamped and the work we are doing are showing the changes.

We are pleased that you continue to be interested in what we doing stay tuned.

Much more to come

Thank You

from the team of Housing The Homeless

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Interesting Week Feb 5-12 2012

Housing the Homeless just had a excellent week Two Presidents one mission one focus I met with President/CEO of Healthcare for the Homeless Kevin Lindermood. I definitely presented our organization and our mission and our goal at HTHI we are working to establish our presence in the Homeless community and truly to help those in needs. Mr. Lindermood gave me some good advice and pointed out many points that will strengthen our organization, I posed the idea to work together in some capacity.

HTHI is working on a couple of proposal requests and would like to network with other Non-Profit Org. So if you have a organization and would like to talk about how we can work together to help the homeless and those in need feel free to give me a call.

HTHI attended the Best Practice committee meeting this past week and we realize Baltimore City is really working to make a positive change to help the homeless different then in times past.

We are truly encouraged that being a part of the Baltimore City COC we have a real opportunity to make a change.

Housing the Homeless is at a critical time right now we are working with Foundations in making a lasting positive change in the lives of people we invite you to help please don't hesitate to contact us.

We can use your help please sign up hear or follow us on twitter hthomesorg

Please sign up or follow us

Thank You

Joseph A. Ray

President of Housing The Homeless Initiative LTD

Dont hesitate to give me a call 410-419-0999

lets work together!!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Saturday Night Sleepout

It was incredibly amazing how the sleep out was in Baltimore Maryland. We started in front of the Mayor's Building (City Hall) we had to move to occupy Baltimore. I and my daughter stayed out only to 920pm when the police forced us to move.

My daughter was treated wonderfully I spoke a couple of times to motivate the homeless as well as those who came to participate and help.

We at HTHI is incredibly excited to help the homeless and many are seeing and feeling the energy that God has given me to help solve this problem. As I said so strongly one person can make a difference and I am living that way.

HTHI is a ministry not just a business and God is working it out. I believe that, I plead for each and every soul to come and pour into this ministry to pour your soul your resources whatever you have to help someone come out of this condition.

Good food much love great testimony and I made sure there was hope for the future not just testimonies that lead to nowhere positive.

Help Housing The Homeless Initiative do something that many think cannot be done make a real serious difference concerning Homelessness.

I truly believe if we in this country attack this issue of Homelessness like the President Barak Obama campaign of 2008 Homelessness will much difference as we know it now.

Thank You for being a part of HTHI you can donate at

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Baltimore County---Baltimore City Commitment to Excellent

(Nov 17 2011)Housing The Homeless is committed to excellence,as a board member we attended the annual board meeting of Baltimore County Community of Homelessness. We discussed a lot of important issues including Joseph Ray discussing with Allison from United Way and Sue Bull of Baltimore County making a presentation on homelessness at the Gala.

Overall the Baltimore County meeting was a success a good turn out, HTHI has continued to make contact with other organization that can assist us as we move forward.

Baltimore City's meeting was great as well it had some challenges. As we assess Baltimore City's providers, the info we came up with is more seriousness and more caring is much needed in Bmore City.

We are now on the provider's committee and considering joining other committee's to oversee and understand what services and effectiveness of services provided.

In Baltimore County we are in the last stages of wrapping up the Ten Year Plan to end homelessness the participants have done a great job please stay tuned for more info.

In Baltimore City we are starting something new stay in tuned as well. Much more info to come Thank You and God Bless Joseph

Monday, October 17, 2011

Benefit Banquet Concert A Fundraiser for the Homeless

Come and be a part of this benefit banquet fundraiser to help the homeless. Housing The Homeless is throwing this major gala formal event, good food good people and a excellent cause. This is a even greater event because you can be a part of Housing The Homeless Initiative and the work it is doing for God.

With this event we are looking to use the funding for our soon to be established Child Care facility, we are working on life skills and temp to perm housing program.

Thank You for your time and participation and God Bless You Joseph President *** Contact me here or on my Crowdrise page Yes you can sign up and be on the team!!!! I look to see you at the benefit concert and on my team.

Thank You

once again